The Rotorua Model Aircraft Club was established in 1948 by a young group of ATC cadets. In 2023 the club celebrated its 75th anniversary.
The Clubs official flying days are Sundays and Wednesdays weather permitting. Although flying often takes place any day the weather permits.
Located at 59 Mead Rd. The Club has a 180m long runway one of the longest in the country. The Club is affiliated to Model Flying New Zealand Model Flying New Zealand – A Sport. A Hobby. (mfnz.org)
Mead Rd is 10.8km up Tarawera Rd about 1km before the Buried Village. Visitors are always welcome as is anyone interested getting into the hobby. We fly R/C aircraft, gliders, helicopters and drones. Assistance and training is available.
Like most high performance sports, there are risks in model flying and we take steps to ensure that safety is paramount. Further we must insist that, for insurance purposes, use of the field for model flying be restricted to financial members of the Club and invited members of Model Flying New Zealand (MFNZ) affiliated clubs
Why not come out for a visit to the Club have a trial flight on our club trainer with an instructor using a buddy box and find out the advantages of club membership. The club often has refurbished beginners models for sale check the For Sale link below
Visit our getting started page
President Dave Little 027 7848 773
Secretary Andy Watson 027 4856 553
Club Captain Ray Philpot 027 330 1824
Treasurer Colin Teasdale 027 272 4379
Instructors Dave Little 027 7848 773 John Ryan 020 4118 5597 Colin Teasdale 027 272 4379